The latest data provided by the National School Bus Loading and Unloading Survey shows that during the 2016-2017 school years, that 8 students were killed throughout the U.S. in the loading and unloading zone aka. “Danger Zone”
Three of the 8 mentioned in this report were students whom were struck and killed by drivers who illegally ignored the extended stop-arm and flashing red lights of the school bus. These fatalities occurred in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Summary from North Carolina’s fatality: A 16-year-old boy was crossing the street to load onto the school bus. The stop arm and eight-way red lights were activated. An oncoming vehicle did not stop, and the student was struck and killed.
Summary from Pennsylvania fatality: An 11-year-old boy had unloaded from the school bus and was crossing the highway. The stop arm and eight-way red lights were activated. An oncoming vehicle did not stop, and the student was struck and killed.
Summary from Virginia’s fatality: A 7-year-old girl had unloaded from the school bus. The stop arm and eight-way red lights were activated. An approaching vehicle did not stop. The vehicle swerved to the right side of the bus and struck and killed the student.
Some other quick take-always from the report:
The month with the most fatalities occurring: is a tie with October and March both with 3 fatalities.
87.5 percent of the fatalities occurred in rural areas.
If you are interested in reading the report, feel free to click the link here.
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